181 days ago
Do you know your personal income tax number?
Please select which of the following multiple sources of income are applicable to you? Remember, you can make more than one selection.
Salary income derived from the ownership of own business
4 credit(s)
181 days ago
OpenCompany Registrations
Primrose Shumba
Please tell us the type of company registration required?
A Non Profit Company (NPC/NPO)
Please tick off one or more of the following additional company services that you might you be interested in the future?
A Tax clearance certificate
4 credit(s)
181 days ago
Normally audit service fees are based on the annual revenue earned by a company within the past financial. Do you know roughly, what was the estimated total income generated by your company within the last financial year?
Please make a selection of one or more of the Audit services required below?
I\/we need an Auditor to examine a set of already existing financial statements sign them off
4 credit(s)
182 days ago
OpenManagement Accounts
Primrose Shumba
Company registration number
Roughly, what was the estimated total yearly income generated by your company within the past 12 months?
4 credit(s)
182 days ago
OpenFixed Asset Registers
Primrose Shumba
How would you like to interact with your fixed assets register supplier?
Remotely by email, telephone, whatsapp or sms
Please tick off one or more of the following fixed assets register services required?
I will need a formulation of a fully GAAP compliant fixed asset register
4 credit(s)
191 days ago
OpenBusiness Plans
Please tell us for which purpose is the business plan for?
I need it for a business loan application
Please tick off all the content items required for your business plan?
Indepth Market Analysis Plan
4 credit(s)
191 days ago
OpenElectrical Contractors Certificates
Do you currently have a valid tax clearance certificate?
No, please assist me with getting a tax clearance certificate.
Do you currently have a trade certificate?
No i don't, please assist me with getting a trade certificate
4 credit(s)
191 days ago
OpenConfirmation Earnings Letters
Purpose: ["I am trying to obtain vehicle finance at a bank"]
Please select the qualification required of the person issuing the confirmation of earnings letter?
I can have a confirmation of earnings letter issued by any registered Accountant
Please tell us more about the purpose of the confirmation of earnings letter?
I am trying to obtain vehicle finance at a bank
4 credit(s)